
We know that every student who walks through the doors of a Rocketship Tennessee school has the potential to be successful in college, career, and life.

About Rocketship

Our mission is to open the world of opportunity to them. Each of our three school campuses in Tennessee is designed to serve its unique community of students and families. Rocketship is a national network of high-performing elementary schools in underserved communities.

Eric Daily

Executive Director, Tennessee

Yet, the Rocketship model at every campus is built on the same three pillars: Personalized Learning, Talent Development, and Parent Power. Our model is proven to change the lives of the socioeconomically disadvantaged students and communities of color we serve. We invite you to learn more about the excellent work happening at Rocketship Tennessee by visiting one of our campuses and seeing the Rocketship approach to public education firsthand. We are proud to offer parents the choice of an excellent public education in the CaliforniaWisconsinTennesseeTexas, and Washington D.C.


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