Student Profile

Public charter schools serve a higher percentage of economically disadvantaged students and Hispanic students than Metro Nashville Public Schools overall. Public charter schools in Nashville are proving it’s possible to close the achievement gap.

1 in 5 students in Nashville attends a public charter school.

African American or Hispanic
0 %

Compared to 67.8% in all MNPS schools and 33.1% across the state.

Economically Disadvantaged
0 %

Compared to 46.2% in all MNPS schools and 32.8% across the state.

Students with Disabilities
0 %

Compared to 10.3% in all MNPS schools and 10.5% across the state.

ABB/H = African-American, Black, and Hispanic
ED = economically disadvantaged
SWD = students with disabilities
EL = English language learners