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Statement on Start of School for Nashville Charter Public Schools

The Nashville Charter Collaborative released a statement today regarding plans for the start the 2020-21 school year.

The Nashville Charter Collaborative released the following statement today regarding plans for the start the school year:  

“With cases of COVID-19 currently surging in Nashville, all member schools of the Nashville Charter Collaborative will open virtually for at least the first month of the 2020-21 school year. Leaders of Nashville’s charter public schools agree that distance learning is the best course of action for our staff, our students, and our families, based on current data trends showing a growing increase in community spread of the virus. Individual leaders will reassess their plans for the remainder of the school year in early September. While some of our schools have already announced their intention to start the school year remotely, our school leaders have been weighing this possibility since transitioning to distance learning immediately after spring break this year. 

“Even the best distance learning program lacks some of the benefits of in-person school, but because our schools prioritized technology acquisition in the spring, in combination with devices that schools will be receiving from the CARES Act, nearly every student enrolled in a Nashville charter public school will start the school year with a Chromebook or similar device in their home. Earlier this year, immediately after the onset of pandemic-related school closures, our schools were engaging in live virtual instruction, social-emotional support for students, and case management for families hardest hit economically by this pandemic. With nearly two months of successful distance learning under our belts, we feel confident that we can continue the momentum our teachers built, and keep our students thriving during this challenging season. Each of our member schools is committed to continue tailoring distance learning and wrap-around support programs to meet the specific needs of the families they serve.” 

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About the Nashville Charter Collaborative

For charter public schools in Nashville with a track record of high achievement and high growth, the Nashville Charter Collaborative offers their leaders a structure to work together on areas of shared need, such as professional development and recruitment of high-quality teachers. Collectively, we believe that education transforms lives and that every child in Nashville has the right to a high-quality public education.In the fall of 2018, the Collaborative formalized as a program of the Tennessee Charter School Center to provide member schools with an official structure to continue growing their work together.